
The Big Guy.

This is what Funk’s happy looks like. You should hear what his happy sounds like. Whoo-boy, there’s no winning with this guy.

Anyway, we’re in Hawaii for another cleanse (which is somewhat brutal), and to prepare for my book launch in May, and to also finish polishing the 2nd book in the C’mon Funk Series.

Can you imagine coming all this way just to clean your insides?

Still, I believe it’s worth it to focus on health, especially in the middle years. And the bonus of staying at our soon-to-be remote home-away-from-home is that it’s a great place to write, while also being very peaceful and holy. Well, it’s peaceful until Funk leaves to go back to his job in DC. After that, it can get very scary being down there alone at night sometimes.

Oh well, if the mayor’s office did anything for me, it toughened me up. I can fly now, though it takes everything I’ve got. And I can be by myself in a distant land, though that takes everything I’ve got too.

But at least I’m willing to tackle my remaining fears now, instead of allowing my world to shrink because of them. I just hope one day I can do it with more grace. Achieve the more carefree, expansive life that I’ve always craved.

Here’s to you reaching for your dreams, despite any fears that may be standing between you and them.

All the love.

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