
Can you imagine being afraid when this is what you’re looking at?

Funk calls me a skydiver afraid of heights. A really good idea will come to me—like how to spend a cost-free summer in Europe—and what usually happens is that I’ll make all the arrangements, yet when it’s time to leave, I’m afraid to walk out the door.

So it is that, this time, Funk is back at work in DC, and I just finished the “big cleanse” in Hawaii. I’m down at the remote little beach house that I’ve stayed at three times now, and I’m mostly settled in.

Physically settled in, that is.

But first, this homebody has to get used to it mentally.

And it really makes me mad at myself that I have to get used to something that is as beautiful as this place is.


This is me and it’s how I approach the world. I’m changing as fast as I can – constantly reaching for that more carefree, more expansive life that I crave. The problem is, change is not pretty, and is so slooooow.

Here’s wishing that you are figuring out how to create your destiny too, whether you’re fearless or afraid, rich or poor.

And here’s wishing that I wake up feeling a bit less afraid of the power of nature.

The photo: From the beach house.

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